addAnswer() - Method in class nl.captcha.audio.AudioCaptcha.Builder
addAnswer(TextProducer) - Method in class nl.captcha.audio.AudioCaptcha.Builder
addBackground(BufferedImage) - Method in interface nl.captcha.backgrounds.BackgroundProducer
Add the background to the given image.
addBackground(BufferedImage) - Method in class nl.captcha.backgrounds.FlatColorBackgroundProducer
addBackground(BufferedImage) - Method in class nl.captcha.backgrounds.GradiatedBackgroundProducer
addBackground(BufferedImage) - Method in class nl.captcha.backgrounds.SquigglesBackgroundProducer
addBackground(BufferedImage) - Method in class nl.captcha.backgrounds.TransparentBackgroundProducer
addBackground() - Method in class nl.captcha.Captcha.Builder
Add a background using the default BackgroundProducer (a TransparentBackgroundProducer).
addBackground(BackgroundProducer) - Method in class nl.captcha.Captcha.Builder
Add a background using the given BackgroundProducer.
addBorder() - Method in class nl.captcha.Captcha.Builder
Draw a single-pixel wide black border around the image.
addNoise() - Method in class nl.captcha.audio.AudioCaptcha.Builder
addNoise(NoiseProducer) - Method in class nl.captcha.audio.AudioCaptcha.Builder
addNoise(List<Sample>) - Method in interface nl.captcha.audio.noise.NoiseProducer
addNoise(List<Sample>) - Method in class nl.captcha.audio.noise.RandomNoiseProducer
Append the given samples to each other, then add random noise to the result.
addNoise() - Method in class nl.captcha.Captcha.Builder
Add noise using the default NoiseProducer (a CurvedLineNoiseProducer).
addNoise(NoiseProducer) - Method in class nl.captcha.Captcha.Builder
Add noise using the given NoiseProducer.
addText() - Method in class nl.captcha.Captcha.Builder
Generate the answer to the CAPTCHA using the DefaultTextProducer.
addText(TextProducer) - Method in class nl.captcha.Captcha.Builder
Generate the answer to the CAPTCHA using the given TextProducer.
addText(WordRenderer) - Method in class nl.captcha.Captcha.Builder
Generate the answer to the CAPTCHA using the default TextProducer, and render it to the image using the given WordRenderer.
addText(TextProducer, WordRenderer) - Method in class nl.captcha.Captcha.Builder
Generate the answer to the CAPTCHA using the given TextProducer, and render it to the image using the given WordRenderer.
addVoice() - Method in class nl.captcha.audio.AudioCaptcha.Builder
addVoice(VoiceProducer) - Method in class nl.captcha.audio.AudioCaptcha.Builder
append(List<Sample>) - Static method in class nl.captcha.audio.Mixer
ArabicTextProducer - Class in nl.captcha.text.producer
ArabicTextProducer() - Constructor for class nl.captcha.text.producer.ArabicTextProducer
ArabicTextProducer(int) - Constructor for class nl.captcha.text.producer.ArabicTextProducer
asByteArray() - Method in class nl.captcha.audio.Sample
Return the interleaved samples as a byte[].
asByteArray(long, double[]) - Static method in class nl.captcha.audio.Sample
Helper method to convert a double[] to a byte[] in a format that can be used by AudioInputStream.
AudioCaptcha - Class in nl.captcha.audio
A builder for generating a CAPTCHA audio/answer pair.
AudioCaptcha.Builder - Class in nl.captcha.audio
AudioCaptcha.Builder() - Constructor for class nl.captcha.audio.AudioCaptcha.Builder
AudioCaptchaServlet - Class in nl.captcha.servlet
Generates a new AudioCaptcha and writes the audio to the response.
AudioCaptchaServlet() - Constructor for class nl.captcha.servlet.AudioCaptchaServlet


BackgroundProducer - Interface in nl.captcha.backgrounds
BaffleGimpyRenderer - Class in nl.captcha.gimpy
BaffleGimpyRenderer() - Constructor for class nl.captcha.gimpy.BaffleGimpyRenderer
BlockFilter - Class in nl.captcha.gimpy.filter
BlockFilter() - Constructor for class nl.captcha.gimpy.filter.BlockFilter
BlockGimpyRenderer - Class in nl.captcha.gimpy
BlockGimpyRenderer() - Constructor for class nl.captcha.gimpy.BlockGimpyRenderer
BlockGimpyRenderer(int) - Constructor for class nl.captcha.gimpy.BlockGimpyRenderer
build() - Method in class nl.captcha.audio.AudioCaptcha.Builder
build() - Method in class nl.captcha.Captcha.Builder
Build the CAPTCHA.
build() - Method in class nl.captcha.CaptchaBean


Captcha - Class in nl.captcha
A builder for generating a CAPTCHA image/answer pair.
Captcha.Builder - Class in nl.captcha
Captcha.Builder(int, int) - Constructor for class nl.captcha.Captcha.Builder
CaptchaBean - Class in nl.captcha
Simple CAPTCHA bean intended to be used by Spring.
CaptchaBean(int, int) - Constructor for class nl.captcha.CaptchaBean
CaptchaServletUtil - Class in nl.captcha.servlet
CaptchaServletUtil() - Constructor for class nl.captcha.servlet.CaptchaServletUtil
ChineseTextProducer - Class in nl.captcha.text.producer
TextProducer implementation that will return Chinese characters.
ChineseTextProducer() - Constructor for class nl.captcha.text.producer.ChineseTextProducer
ChineseTextProducer(int) - Constructor for class nl.captcha.text.producer.ChineseTextProducer
ColoredEdgesWordRenderer - Class in nl.captcha.text.renderer
ColoredEdgesWordRenderer() - Constructor for class nl.captcha.text.renderer.ColoredEdgesWordRenderer
ColoredEdgesWordRenderer(List<Color>, List<Font>) - Constructor for class nl.captcha.text.renderer.ColoredEdgesWordRenderer
ColoredEdgesWordRenderer(List<Color>, List<Font>, float) - Constructor for class nl.captcha.text.renderer.ColoredEdgesWordRenderer
CurvedLineNoiseProducer - Class in nl.captcha.noise
Adds a randomly curved line to the image.
CurvedLineNoiseProducer() - Constructor for class nl.captcha.noise.CurvedLineNoiseProducer
CurvedLineNoiseProducer(Color, float) - Constructor for class nl.captcha.noise.CurvedLineNoiseProducer


decodeBytes(byte[], double[]) - Method in class nl.captcha.audio.Sample
DefaultTextProducer - Class in nl.captcha.text.producer
Produces text of a given length from a given array of characters.
DefaultTextProducer() - Constructor for class nl.captcha.text.producer.DefaultTextProducer
DefaultTextProducer(int, char[]) - Constructor for class nl.captcha.text.producer.DefaultTextProducer
DefaultWordRenderer - Class in nl.captcha.text.renderer
Renders the answer onto the image.
DefaultWordRenderer() - Constructor for class nl.captcha.text.renderer.DefaultWordRenderer
Use the default color (black) and fonts (Arial and Courier).
DefaultWordRenderer(List<Color>, List<Font>) - Constructor for class nl.captcha.text.renderer.DefaultWordRenderer
Build a WordRenderer using the given Colors and Fonts.
doGet(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class nl.captcha.servlet.AudioCaptchaServlet
doGet(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class nl.captcha.servlet.SimpleCaptchaServlet
doGet(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class nl.captcha.servlet.StickyCaptchaServlet
Write out the CAPTCHA image stored in the session.
doPost(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class nl.captcha.servlet.AudioCaptchaServlet
DropShadowGimpyRenderer - Class in nl.captcha.gimpy
Adds a dark drop-shadow.
DropShadowGimpyRenderer() - Constructor for class nl.captcha.gimpy.DropShadowGimpyRenderer
DropShadowGimpyRenderer(int, float) - Constructor for class nl.captcha.gimpy.DropShadowGimpyRenderer
DropShadowGimpyRenderer(int, float, float) - Constructor for class nl.captcha.gimpy.DropShadowGimpyRenderer


FileUtil - Class in nl.captcha.util
FileUtil() - Constructor for class nl.captcha.util.FileUtil
FishEyeGimpyRenderer - Class in nl.captcha.gimpy
Overlays a warped grid to the image.
FishEyeGimpyRenderer() - Constructor for class nl.captcha.gimpy.FishEyeGimpyRenderer
FishEyeGimpyRenderer(Color, Color) - Constructor for class nl.captcha.gimpy.FishEyeGimpyRenderer
FiveLetterFirstNameTextProducer - Class in nl.captcha.text.producer
FiveLetterFirstNameTextProducer() - Constructor for class nl.captcha.text.producer.FiveLetterFirstNameTextProducer
FlatColorBackgroundProducer - Class in nl.captcha.backgrounds
FlatColorBackgroundProducer() - Constructor for class nl.captcha.backgrounds.FlatColorBackgroundProducer
FlatColorBackgroundProducer(Color) - Constructor for class nl.captcha.backgrounds.FlatColorBackgroundProducer


getAnswer() - Method in class nl.captcha.audio.AudioCaptcha
getAnswer() - Method in class nl.captcha.Captcha
getAnswer() - Method in class nl.captcha.CaptchaBean
getAudioInputStream() - Method in class nl.captcha.audio.Sample
getBackground(int, int) - Method in interface nl.captcha.backgrounds.BackgroundProducer
getBackground(int, int) - Method in class nl.captcha.backgrounds.FlatColorBackgroundProducer
getBackground(int, int) - Method in class nl.captcha.backgrounds.GradiatedBackgroundProducer
getBackground(int, int) - Method in class nl.captcha.backgrounds.SquigglesBackgroundProducer
getBackground(int, int) - Method in class nl.captcha.backgrounds.TransparentBackgroundProducer
getBgProd() - Method in class nl.captcha.CaptchaBean
getChallenge() - Method in class nl.captcha.audio.AudioCaptcha
getChannelSamples(int, double[], double[]) - Method in class nl.captcha.audio.Sample
Extract samples of a particular channel from interleavedSamples and copy them into channelSamples
getFormat() - Method in class nl.captcha.audio.Sample
getGimpy() - Method in class nl.captcha.CaptchaBean
getImage() - Method in class nl.captcha.Captcha
Get the CAPTCHA image, a PNG.
getImage() - Method in class nl.captcha.CaptchaBean
getInterleavedSamples() - Method in class nl.captcha.audio.Sample
getInterleavedSamples(long, long, double[]) - Method in class nl.captcha.audio.Sample
Get the interleaved decoded samples for all channels, from sample index begin (included) to sample index end (excluded) and copy them into samples.
getNoiseProd() - Method in class nl.captcha.CaptchaBean
getSampleCount() - Method in class nl.captcha.audio.Sample
Return the number of samples of all channels
getStereoSamples(double[], double[]) - Method in class nl.captcha.audio.Sample
Convenience method.
getText() - Method in class nl.captcha.text.producer.ArabicTextProducer
getText() - Method in class nl.captcha.text.producer.ChineseTextProducer
getText() - Method in class nl.captcha.text.producer.DefaultTextProducer
getText() - Method in class nl.captcha.text.producer.FiveLetterFirstNameTextProducer
getText() - Method in class nl.captcha.text.producer.NumbersAnswerProducer
getText() - Method in interface nl.captcha.text.producer.TextProducer
Generate a series of characters to be used as the answer for the CAPTCHA.
getTimeStamp() - Method in class nl.captcha.Captcha
getTxtProd() - Method in class nl.captcha.CaptchaBean
getVocalization(char) - Method in class nl.captcha.audio.producer.RandomNumberVoiceProducer
getVocalization(char) - Method in interface nl.captcha.audio.producer.VoiceProducer
getVoices() - Method in class nl.captcha.audio.producer.RandomNumberVoiceProducer
gimp() - Method in class nl.captcha.Captcha.Builder
Gimp the image using the default GimpyRenderer (a RippleGimpyRenderer).
gimp(GimpyRenderer) - Method in class nl.captcha.Captcha.Builder
Gimp the image using the given GimpyRenderer.
gimp(BufferedImage) - Method in class nl.captcha.gimpy.BaffleGimpyRenderer
gimp(BufferedImage) - Method in class nl.captcha.gimpy.BlockGimpyRenderer
gimp(BufferedImage) - Method in class nl.captcha.gimpy.DropShadowGimpyRenderer
gimp(BufferedImage) - Method in class nl.captcha.gimpy.FishEyeGimpyRenderer
gimp(BufferedImage) - Method in interface nl.captcha.gimpy.GimpyRenderer
gimp(BufferedImage) - Method in class nl.captcha.gimpy.RippleGimpyRenderer
Apply a RippleFilter to the image.
gimp(BufferedImage) - Method in class nl.captcha.gimpy.ShearGimpyRenderer
gimp(BufferedImage) - Method in class nl.captcha.gimpy.StretchGimpyRenderer
GimpyRenderer - Interface in nl.captcha.gimpy
GradiatedBackgroundProducer - Class in nl.captcha.backgrounds
Creates a gradiated background with the given from and to Color values.
GradiatedBackgroundProducer() - Constructor for class nl.captcha.backgrounds.GradiatedBackgroundProducer
GradiatedBackgroundProducer(Color, Color) - Constructor for class nl.captcha.backgrounds.GradiatedBackgroundProducer


init(ServletConfig) - Method in class nl.captcha.servlet.SimpleCaptchaServlet
init(ServletConfig) - Method in class nl.captcha.servlet.StickyCaptchaServlet
isAddBorder() - Method in class nl.captcha.CaptchaBean
isCorrect(String) - Method in class nl.captcha.audio.AudioCaptcha
isCorrect(String) - Method in class nl.captcha.Captcha
isCorrect(String) - Method in class nl.captcha.CaptchaBean


makeNoise(BufferedImage) - Method in class nl.captcha.noise.CurvedLineNoiseProducer
makeNoise(BufferedImage) - Method in interface nl.captcha.noise.NoiseProducer
makeNoise(BufferedImage) - Method in class nl.captcha.noise.StraightLineNoiseProducer
mix(Sample, double, Sample, double) - Static method in class nl.captcha.audio.Mixer
Mixer - Class in nl.captcha.audio
Helper class for operating on audio Samples.
Mixer() - Constructor for class nl.captcha.audio.Mixer


NAME - Static variable in class nl.captcha.audio.AudioCaptcha
NAME - Static variable in class nl.captcha.Captcha
nl.captcha - package nl.captcha
nl.captcha.audio - package nl.captcha.audio
nl.captcha.audio.noise - package nl.captcha.audio.noise
nl.captcha.audio.producer - package nl.captcha.audio.producer
nl.captcha.backgrounds - package nl.captcha.backgrounds
nl.captcha.gimpy - package nl.captcha.gimpy
nl.captcha.gimpy.filter - package nl.captcha.gimpy.filter
nl.captcha.noise - package nl.captcha.noise
nl.captcha.servlet - package nl.captcha.servlet
nl.captcha.text.producer - package nl.captcha.text.producer
nl.captcha.text.renderer - package nl.captcha.text.renderer
nl.captcha.util - package nl.captcha.util
NoiseProducer - Interface in nl.captcha.audio.noise
NoiseProducer - Interface in nl.captcha.noise
NumbersAnswerProducer - Class in nl.captcha.text.producer
TextProducer implementation that will return a series of numbers.
NumbersAnswerProducer() - Constructor for class nl.captcha.text.producer.NumbersAnswerProducer
NumbersAnswerProducer(int) - Constructor for class nl.captcha.text.producer.NumbersAnswerProducer


RandomNoiseProducer - Class in nl.captcha.audio.noise
Adds noise to a Sample from one of the given noiseFiles.
RandomNoiseProducer() - Constructor for class nl.captcha.audio.noise.RandomNoiseProducer
RandomNoiseProducer(String[]) - Constructor for class nl.captcha.audio.noise.RandomNoiseProducer
RandomNumberVoiceProducer - Class in nl.captcha.audio.producer
VoiceProducer which generates a vocalization for a given number, randomly selecting from a list of voices.
RandomNumberVoiceProducer() - Constructor for class nl.captcha.audio.producer.RandomNumberVoiceProducer
RandomNumberVoiceProducer(Map<Integer, String[]>) - Constructor for class nl.captcha.audio.producer.RandomNumberVoiceProducer
Creates a RandomNumberVoiceProducer for the given voices, a map of numbers to their corresponding filenames.
readResource(String) - Static method in class nl.captcha.util.FileUtil
Get a file resource and return it as an InputStream.
readSample(String) - Static method in class nl.captcha.util.FileUtil
render(String, BufferedImage) - Method in class nl.captcha.text.renderer.ColoredEdgesWordRenderer
render(String, BufferedImage) - Method in class nl.captcha.text.renderer.DefaultWordRenderer
Render a word onto a BufferedImage.
render(String, BufferedImage) - Method in class nl.captcha.text.renderer.StretchyWordRenderer
render(String, BufferedImage) - Method in interface nl.captcha.text.renderer.WordRenderer
Render a word to a BufferedImage.
RippleGimpyRenderer - Class in nl.captcha.gimpy
RippleGimpyRenderer() - Constructor for class nl.captcha.gimpy.RippleGimpyRenderer


Sample - Class in nl.captcha.audio
Class representing a sound sample, typically read in from a file.
Sample(InputStream) - Constructor for class nl.captcha.audio.Sample
SC_AUDIO_FORMAT - Static variable in class nl.captcha.audio.Sample
setAddBorder(boolean) - Method in class nl.captcha.CaptchaBean
setAnswer(String) - Method in class nl.captcha.CaptchaBean
setBgProd(BackgroundProducer) - Method in class nl.captcha.CaptchaBean
setFromColor(Color) - Method in class nl.captcha.backgrounds.GradiatedBackgroundProducer
setGimpy(GimpyRenderer) - Method in class nl.captcha.CaptchaBean
setNoiseProd(NoiseProducer) - Method in class nl.captcha.CaptchaBean
setToColor(Color) - Method in class nl.captcha.backgrounds.GradiatedBackgroundProducer
setTxtProd(TextProducer) - Method in class nl.captcha.CaptchaBean
ShearGimpyRenderer - Class in nl.captcha.gimpy
ShearGimpyRenderer() - Constructor for class nl.captcha.gimpy.ShearGimpyRenderer
ShearGimpyRenderer(Color) - Constructor for class nl.captcha.gimpy.ShearGimpyRenderer
SimpleCaptchaServlet - Class in nl.captcha.servlet
Generates, displays, and stores in session a 200x50 CAPTCHA image with sheared black text, a solid dark grey background, and a slightly curved line over the text.
SimpleCaptchaServlet() - Constructor for class nl.captcha.servlet.SimpleCaptchaServlet
SquigglesBackgroundProducer - Class in nl.captcha.backgrounds
SquigglesBackgroundProducer() - Constructor for class nl.captcha.backgrounds.SquigglesBackgroundProducer
StickyCaptchaServlet - Class in nl.captcha.servlet
Builds a CAPTCHA and stores it in the session.
StickyCaptchaServlet() - Constructor for class nl.captcha.servlet.StickyCaptchaServlet
StraightLineNoiseProducer - Class in nl.captcha.noise
Draws a 4-pixel thick straight red line through the given image.
StraightLineNoiseProducer() - Constructor for class nl.captcha.noise.StraightLineNoiseProducer
Default constructor creates a 4-pixel wide red line.
StraightLineNoiseProducer(Color, int) - Constructor for class nl.captcha.noise.StraightLineNoiseProducer
StretchGimpyRenderer - Class in nl.captcha.gimpy
Stretch the given image over the X and Y axes.
StretchGimpyRenderer() - Constructor for class nl.captcha.gimpy.StretchGimpyRenderer
StretchGimpyRenderer(double, double) - Constructor for class nl.captcha.gimpy.StretchGimpyRenderer
StretchyWordRenderer - Class in nl.captcha.text.renderer
StretchyWordRenderer() - Constructor for class nl.captcha.text.renderer.StretchyWordRenderer


TextProducer - Interface in nl.captcha.text.producer
Generate an answer for the CAPTCHA.
toString() - Method in class nl.captcha.audio.AudioCaptcha.Builder
toString() - Method in class nl.captcha.audio.AudioCaptcha
toString() - Method in class nl.captcha.audio.noise.RandomNoiseProducer
toString() - Method in class nl.captcha.audio.Sample
toString() - Method in class nl.captcha.Captcha.Builder
toString() - Method in class nl.captcha.Captcha
TransparentBackgroundProducer - Class in nl.captcha.backgrounds
Generates a transparent background.
TransparentBackgroundProducer() - Constructor for class nl.captcha.backgrounds.TransparentBackgroundProducer


VoiceProducer - Interface in nl.captcha.audio.producer
Generates a vocalization for a single character.


WordRenderer - Interface in nl.captcha.text.renderer
Render the answer for the CAPTCHA onto the image.
writeAudio(HttpServletResponse, Sample) - Static method in class nl.captcha.servlet.CaptchaServletUtil
writeImage(HttpServletResponse, BufferedImage) - Static method in class nl.captcha.servlet.CaptchaServletUtil
writeImage(OutputStream, BufferedImage) - Static method in class nl.captcha.servlet.CaptchaServletUtil


Copyright © 2010-2011 James Childers. All Rights Reserved.